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Our services
Online or in-person for individuals who live in the state of Arizona. Counseling is designated for individuals and couples to identify and address triggers, process trauma, and find a pathway to healing and flourishing.
Individual – 50 mins | $175 | Get started
Couples – 50 mins | $300 | Get started
Functional Healing
Online or in-person, this includes lab work and coaching either individually or in a group. Because humans have a mind, heart, and body, there are physiological realities that deeply impact overall wellness. You can get therapy, try to eat right, and workout, but something is still missing; brain fog, low energy, hormone imbalances, and food sensitivities. Functional labs help determine what underlying physiological deficiencies are keeping you from flourishing.
Packages start at $150/hr + labs | Get started
Mental Health Coaching / Spiritual Direction
Online or in person, Mental Health Coaching or Spiritual Direction are a meaningful connection with someone who can stand beside you, affirm you, and guide you toward a life of flourishing. These sessions involve looking at your past, present, and future and engage your mind, heart, and body. These services are different from therapy and focus on goals to help you thrive personally, in relationships, and at work.
50 mins | $150 | Get started
Relationship Repair
Online or in person. Relationships are one of the most important (and unavoidable) factors in a full, healthy life; relationships with co-workers, family members, friendships, and even yourself. Often times people get stuck in a cycle in their relationships and need an objective third party to come alongside and listen with a new set of ears.
Couples – 50 mins | $300 Get started
Vocational Support
Businesses are beginning to learn that EQ (emotional intelligence) is a requirement for morale, retention of employees, and productivity in the workplace. Successful leaders often don’t know how to create s culture for their employees that achieves each of these outcomes. Other times, one or more team members are in the wrong seat on the bus or are cancerous to the well-being of the organization. We help identify and mitigate those problems.
Visit our Corporate Wellness page for details
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”