Bringing health modalities together.
met·a sto·ry
An overarching story having other stories embedded within it
Transforming healthcare
We started Metastory Health in part as a response to the disintegrated care we have received in our lives. Our mental, emotional, relational, and physiological needs are not neatly compartmentalized from one another, but instead deeply inform each another. Our goal is to look comprehensively at the whole person, their whole body, and whole story.
"Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life…Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose."
- Viktor Frankl, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, author of 'Man's Search for Meaning'
Our approach
You have a story, and you are also in a story. And the story that you have is much like the story you are in.
The Metastory model is based on the overarching story of the Biblical narrative (Creation, Fall, Promise, Redemption. Kingdom, Restoration). That is the story you are in.
This is also the basic framework of every good novel or film you have ever loved, the modern myth. In the modern myth, a heroic protagonist sets out, has transformative adventures, and returns home.
We have adapted the Biblical story into a framework for holistic health in these categories: Origin, Fracture, Pilgrimage, Transformation, Flourishing, Legacy. This is the story you have.
Our goal is to help you find meaning in your story using this framework. As we work through your individual story, we will seek to discover barriers to your health, emotionally, physically, relationally, and vocationally.
We also help businesses identify their brand using these categories. What story does your product or service seek to tell? How can you make your customer the hero of their own story? Is your team bought in to the greater narrative of your brand, and are they able to find their story within the story of your company?
Metastory Model
Origin: Who you were uniquely made to be (Strengths / Gifts / Dreams)
Fracture: What barriers stand in your way (Regrets / Wounds / Circumstances)
Pilgrimage: Solutions you have tried (Traps / Defeat / Displacement)
Transformation: Discovering a new identity (Freedom / Grace / Homecoming)
Flourishing: What resources you need to reach your potential (Practices / People / Priorities)
Culmination: What your legacy will be (Goals / Plans / Sacrifice)